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CEO Message

Welcome to AL-Sarunah factory for industry.

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the AL-SARUNAH fiberglass website. Our portal is designed for our valued visitors around the world to learn about our mission and values, corporate culture and manufacturing processes. This website also serves as a comprehensive window into our product range with technical details and insight into our quality control operations. Information I assure our regarded customers will deem convenient and useful. I hope our website demonstrates our commitment, corporation and heart to all our stakeholders as well as to the wider public interested in our activities.

The gulf region has witnessed immense development since the 2000s; creating a vibrant and dynamic infrastructure sector. Since the company’s inception in 2008, AL-SARUNAH fiberglass has played a pioneering role in the supply of composite products during the expansion of power and water networks, oil and gas exploration, the road network, and the sourcing of alternate energy resources across the Middle East. Today, the company operates more Business and growing including every state in the KSA; consulting and manufacturing for contractors across industries to yield a wide a array of protection solutions.

The AL-SARUNAH brand symbolizes dependability, quality, customer service, and responsibility; without question. Internally, a culture of progress exists evaluating every aspect of the day-to-day operations rethinking and asking the question: How can we do it better? We embellish in this uphill climb to our success and of our suppliers, employees and customers. We recognize our success story would not be possible without the contributions of all our stakeholders who have shared our incredible journey thus far. We pledge to continue serving and engaging them in all our endeavors moving forward.

At the heart of AL-SARUNAH Factory for fiberglass rests an intangible trademark of integrity embedded into the soul of the company by our King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud. Integrity drives us to unfailingly honor our commitment to our customers and other stakeholders as well as exercise economic and social responsibility.

Thank you for taking the time to visit the AL-SARUNAH Factory for fiberglass website, which will remain the ideal source of updated information. I wholeheartedly request you to submit constructive feedback so we may continue to improve.

Awad Ali Jibran
Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director.

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